//DOD-DB - Ausgabe Wasser/Schwebstoffe ODV Stand: 31.08.2023 13:21:25
//Zeitlich: 01.01.2021 bis 31.12.2021
//DOD-DB Ref: 20210066 Name: EMB256 Plattform: Elisabeth Mann Borgese 26.01.2021 - 07.02.2021
//Name: DDE(p,p)
//Code Beschreibung
//TDEPP trichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p) in sea water
//Code Methode
//WAS Water sampler
//Code Methode
//GC-MS GC-Mass Spectrometry
//Physikalische Behandlung
//Code Behandlung
//FGX Filtration with micro glass fibre filter (MGC) 0,7-1 µm - filtrate enrichment with 'XAD-2-Harz' adsorption
//Chemische Behandlung
//Code Behandlung
//HEX Extraction with HEXAN
Cruise Station Type yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss Longitude [degrees_east] Latitude [degrees_north] LOCAL_CDI_ID EDMO_code Bot. Depth [m] Depth [m] QV TDEPP_WAS_GC-MS_FGX_HEX [ng/l] QV
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0360_TF0360-TF0010 * 2021-01-26T13:30:00 11,32 54,5515 IOW 28,63 5 1 0,001345 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0012_TF0012-TF0030 * 2021-01-27T02:30:00 11,2516 54,2031 IOW 5 5 1 0,001131 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0103_TF0103-TF0113 * 2021-01-27T16:00:00 13,0578 54,7949 IOW 5 5 1 0,000974 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0152_TF0152-OBBOJE * 2021-01-28T05:40:00 14,0687 54,2399 IOW 14,83 5 1 0,002247 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0200_TF0200-TF0213 * 2021-01-29T02:00:00 15,3331 55,3831 IOW 5 5 1 0,001353 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0222_TF0222-TF0259-no named * 2021-01-30T21:40:00 17,0668 55,2164 IOW 5 5 1 0,001459 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0263_TF0263-TF0271 * 2021-01-31T15:20:00 19,3779 56,346 IOW 5 5 1 0,001342 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0270_TF0270-TF0286-no named * 2021-02-03T04:35:00 20,1665 57,6159 IOW 5 5 1 0,001425 1
Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB256 TF0284_TF0284-TF0245-no named * 2021-02-04T00:35:00 18,2315 58,5845 IOW 5 5 1 0,000757 1