//DOD-DB - Ausgabe Wasser/Schwebstoffe ODV Stand: 14.08.2024 13:44:38 //Auswahlkriterien: //Zeitlich: 01.01.2023 bis 31.12.2023 //Reisen: //DOD-DB Ref: 20230159 Name: EMB311 Plattform: Elisabeth Mann Borgese 03.02.2023 - 16.02.2023 //Parameter: //Name: Fluoranthe //Legende: //Parameter //Code Beschreibung //FLU fluoranthene in sea water //Sampling //Code Methode //WAS Water sampler //Labormethoden //Code Methode //GC-MS GC-Mass Spectrometry //CALC Calculated //Physikalische Behandlung //Code Behandlung //FGX Filtration with micro glass fibre filter (MGC) 0,7-1 µm - filtrate enrichment with 'XAD-2-Harz' adsorption //NOT No physical Treatment //Chemische Behandlung //Code Behandlung //HEX Extraction with HEXAN //NDT Non Destructive Total Determ., No chemical treatment //ODV_DOD //ODV:LOCAL:DepthDepth::Depth[m] //ODV:LOCAL://ODV:Local:FLU_WAS_GC-MS_FGX_HEXDOD::ng/l //ODV:LOCAL://ODV:Local:FLU_WAS_CALC_NOT_NDTDOD::ng/l // Cruise Station Type yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss Longitude [degrees_east] Latitude [degrees_north] LOCAL_CDI_ID EDMO_code Bot. Depth [m] Depth [m] QV FLU_WAS_CALC_NOT_NDT [ng/l] QV FLU_WAS_GC-MS_FGX_HEX [ng/l] QV Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Kiel Bight to Fehmarn Belt_Kiel Bight to Fehmarn Belt * 2023-02-04T15:05:00 11,320198333333 54,55208 IOW 5 1 0,36872 1 0,24454 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Mecklenburg B. to Darss Sill_Mecklenburg B. to Darss Sill * 2023-02-05T12:40:00 12,035553333333 54,40637 IOW 5 1 0,9463 1 0,82655 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Arkona Sea_Arkona Sea * 2023-02-06T05:50:00 13,299898333333 55,000021666667 IOW 5 1 0,71966 1 0,68601 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Pomeranian Bight_Pomeranian Bight * 2023-02-06T17:30:00 14,043161666667 54,255678333333 IOW 5 1 1,4952 1 1,18351 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Bornholm Sea_Bornholm Sea * 2023-02-07T18:20:00 15,466521666667 55,346418333333 IOW 5 1 0,69004 1 0,66629 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Western Gotland Sea_Western Gotland Sea * 2023-02-11T20:50:00 17,982771666667 57,992491666667 IOW 5 1 0,53848 1 0,52801 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Eastern Gotland Sea (North)_Eastern Gotland Sea (North) * 2023-02-12T15:50:00 19,87795 57,99234 IOW 5 1 0,63762 1 0,6244 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Eastern Gotland Sea (South)_Eastern Gotland Sea (South) * 2023-02-13T11:20:00 19,829623333333 57,071793333333 IOW 5 1 0,9868 1 0,97473 1 Elisabeth Mann Borgese EMB311 Central Baltic Sea_Central Baltic Sea * 2023-02-14T03:30:00 18,399843333333 55,549686666667 IOW 5 1 0,25564 1 0,23861 1